Urgent Care Leadership
If it were easy, everyone would do it...but it's not. Join us as we explore the fun and frustration of leading and managing in our unique industry.
Urgent Care Leadership
Grassroots Advocacy Veteran - Dr. Eric Ellis
Lou Ellen Horwitz, Eric Ellis
Season 3
Episode 11
Dr. Ellis is the chair of the Government Affairs Committee of the California Urgent Care Association (CalUCA) and leads state efforts to influence legislation and regulation. Learn how he got started, what the key issues are, what they've learned along the way, and his vision of what the future holds for Urgent Care advocacy.
2024 Regional Conferences:
Northeast Regional Urgent Care Association (September): https://neruca.org/
South East Regional Urgent Care Association (October): https://seruca.org/
California (Western) Urgent Care Association (November): https://www.caluca.org/